About the Open Review Days and Tool-sheets

Math 1107

CJ Alverson


About the ORDs


I have built into the course a series of open review days (ORDs). Each ORD represents an opportunity for you to ask questions and resolve final points of confusion prior to the actual test or exam.


Some suggestions for optimally using an ORD:


Come prepared with specific questions about cases that you have attempted.


Identify those specific cases and topics that are causing you the most discomfort and/or confusion.


Do not ask me "what will be on the test?" - each test (hourly) is based on material in the appropriate part of the course: worked case studies and similar cases from older tests from previous classes. All of this material is now posted, or will be prior to the ORD.


Do not ask to see a problem of each type, when you have not attempted similar cases of your own. Ask about cases that you have attempted, and cannot finish or understand on your own. Try to have some sort of clue of where your confusion lay.


Do not expect the ORD to compensate for lack of attendance and/or effort and preparation on your part. The ORD is designed to allow a final opportunity to polish off your preparations prior to the test or final. It is a finishing point for your study, not the beginning.



About the Tool-sheets


For each in-class test (hourly), you will be allowed a single sheet (tool-sheet), formatted as follows:


Content is up to your discretion;


The tool-sheet must consist of only one 8.5" by 11" sheet of paper. That is, one contiguous sheet of paper. No origami, secret compartments, fold-outs, pop-ups, just one sheet of paper.


I suggest the following types of content, but it is up to you.


Computational steps, written for your comprehension;


Writing/discussion samples;


When appropriate, directions and keystroke lists for your calculator;


Complete sample solutions.