Performance Summary and Comments
The 1st Hourly
Spring 2003
CJ Alverson
Performances on this one were remarkably good. See the score summary below.
n min p25 mean median p75 max p10 p20 p30 p40 p50 p60 p70 p80 p90
78 28 88 91.8 95 100 100 80 88 92 94 95 97 100 100 100
There were 78 scores spread out over three sections.
The highest score was 100/100, with 25 such scores.
Approximately 90% of scores were at 80/100 or better.
Approximately 50% of scores were at 95/100 or better.
scorehr1 |
Frequency |
Percent |
Cumulative |
Cumulative |
<60% |
2 |
2.56 |
2 |
2.56 |
60%-69% |
1 |
1.28 |
3 |
3.85 |
70%-79% |
4 |
5.13 |
7 |
8.97 |
80%-89% |
14 |
17.95 |
21 |
26.92 |
90%-99% |
32 |
41.03 |
53 |
67.95 |
100% |
25 |
32.05 |
78 |
100.00 |
There was no basis for any bonus points based on case one, and none were awarded.