Policy Awareness
Math 1107
CJ Alverson
I, edit in your full name, acknowledge that I have reviewed the course web page, and am fully aware of course policies and that (initial each item):
I understand that the course will be taught using an interactive, group-based, active-learning model. (initial)
I am aware of the basic pre-requisites (arithmetic, algebraic, reading and writing) for this course, and that it is my responsibility to correct any personal deficiencies in this regard. (initial)
I understand that neither attendance nor active participation comprises any formal part of the course raw score, but both are generally recommended as part of an intelligent strategy for passing the course. (initial)
I understand that regardless of any other considerations, that the sole basis for my letter grade in this course is the course raw score. (initial)
I understand the basis for the course raw score, and how course letter grades are based on the course raw score. (initial)
I understand that this is a non-Calculus-based, introductory statistics course, and that it focuses on the demonstration and comprehension of a limited number of important concepts in the disciplines of probability and statistics. (initial)
I understand that a deeper understanding of statistical theory and methodology requires mathematics at the level of Calculus and above, and that this course explicitly simplifies the examples and problems to accommodate the lack of Calculus and other necessary mathematics generally available to students in this course. (initial)
I understand that the course dates (including test dates) are clearly stated and published, and that I should use these dates in planning my activities for the semester. (initial)
I understand that is my responsibility to anticipate and document any conflicts with posted test dates, and that while make-up tests are not automatically granted, and that make-up dates are granted (– or not) at the discretion of the instructor. (initial)
I understand that I am personally responsible for providing my personal test-taking resources (writing instruments, calculators) and that my failure to provide myself these resources will likely impair my ability to perform adequately on tests, and that neither the instructor nor other students are obligated to assist me. (initial)
I understand that the course materials are supported on the web, but that the learning model includes substantial real-time, in-class work. (initial)
Print, Sign and Date this Document. Return the completed form to me, in
I am aware of my obligations in this course, and agree to act in good faith in completing the requirements for this course. Signed,
Print your full name Sign
your name Date of Signature