Course Linkage

Math 1107 Course Documentation

CJ Alverson

Course Linkage: Our course and the Triola text.

Triola “Red Book” Version 9, “Blue Book” Version 2 (Excel)

The material covered in my cases parallels the material in the textbook. If you wish to follow along in the textbook, here is the linkage of text material and my material.

Course Part One: Probability

Chapter 2: Describing, Exploring and Comparing Data

                              Sessions 1.1, 1.2

Section 2.2: Summary Frequency Tables

               Chapter 3: Probability

               Session 1.3

Section 3.2: Fundamentals of Probability                             

Session 1.4

Section 3.3: The Additive Rule for Computing Probabilities                             

Session 1.5, 1.6, 1.7

Section 3.4: The Multiplicative Rule for Computing Probabilities

Chapter 4: Probability Distributions and Random Variables

Session 1.1

Section 4.2: The Random Variable: Read Only

Course Part Two: Design Issues

Chapter 1: Introduction to Statistical Methodology

               Sessions 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4

Section 1.3: Uses and Abuses of Statistical Methodology                             

Section 1.4: Design of Experiments                             

Course Part Two: Descriptive Statistics

Chapter 2: Describing, Exploring and Comparing Data

               Session 2.5

Section 2.3: Basic Summary Graphics: Read Only

                             Section 2.4: Descriptive Statistics: Measures of Central Tendency (focus on mean and median)                                            

Session 2.7      

Section 2.5: Descriptive Statistics: Measures of Variation

(focus on SD and Range, and the Empirical and Chebyshev’s Inequalities)                                            

Sessions 2.5, 2.6

Section 2.6: Descriptive Statistics: Measures of Location

(focus on Percentiles, Quartiles, Deciles and Inter-percentile Ranges)                                            

Course Part Three: Statistical Inference: Interval Estimation

Session 3.1

Chapters 4 and 5 provide theoretical background for Part Three

Chapter 4: Probability Distributions and Random Variables

Section 4.3: The Bernoulli Experiment                                            

                              Section 4.4: The Binomial Probability Distribution                                             

Chapter 5: Normal Probability Distributions

Chapter 6: Estimates and Sample Sizes

Session 3.2

                              Section 6.2: Interval Estimation of a Population Mean, Large Sample                                            

               Session 3.3

Section 6.4: Interval Estimation of a Population Proportion, Large Sample                                            

Course Part Three: Statistical Inference: Hypothesis Testing

Chapter 7: Introduction to Hypothesis Testing

               Session 3.4

                              Section 7.1: Overview (Read Only)

                              Section 7.2: Fundamental Concepts of Hypothesis Testing (Read Only)

Chapter 10: Multinomial Experiments and Contingency Tables

               Session 3.6

Section 10.2: Hypothesis Test: Categorical Goodness-of-Fit