Policies of Note                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  


CJ Alverson

Internet Access

This course will be run using the files of a Web Page on the World Wide Web. This is how we will access the materials of the course. You will need reliable, regular access to a Web Browser and a Printer.

At a minimum, access to both is provided by KSU through its ubiquitous computer labs. While I will demonstrate how to access and use the page, it is up to you to cope with this requirement.

Course Materials 

We will be employing a complete set of Files and Case Studies developed for this course. We will use these cases as a primary source for the course. The material is supported by the standard textbook, and a linkage is provided to allow the reinforcement of concepts by the textbook. Our approach and the subject matter covered in our approach is consistent with the textbook, and with current professional statistical practice.


You may find an e-mail account to be helpful, but such an account is not required. You have already paid for an account on the KSU server. The course page has an e-mail link. If that link doesn't work for you, use this address: cjalverson@mindspring.com . Be sure to poke my spam filter if you want the e-mail to get through.

Up Front

This course does not employ conventional lecture-based instruction.

I do not schedule make-up tests or finals, except under the most extreme circumstances, and very, very rarely after the fact. You will be required to document your extreme circumstances.

Yes, there will be a final examination, and yes, it will cover everything.

Make friends with your calculator - this is your sole responsibility.