Part One: Probability

Case Study #1.7: Pairs to Sums


Case Description: Work with a random variable that acts on pairs of outcomes.


We assume that the dice are fair, and that the dice operate

separately and independently.


Case Study Objectives:


We toss a pair of fair dice, one three-sided(faces 1,2,3) and one four-sided(faces 1,2,3,4).

How many pairs are possible, and what is the probability for each pair ?


Define a random variable which converts pairs of die faces to sums.

Compute probabilities for each sum. Map the pairs to sums, and list the pairs that lead to each sum.


Using the probabilities for each pair, compute probabilities for each sum value.

Present your results in table form.


We will validate these probabilities with 100 tosses of a pair of dice.