Abbreviated Curriculum Vitae

CJ Alverson


(1987) BS (Applied Mathematics, cum laude, Georgia Institute of Tech.)

(1989) MS (Applied Mathematics, Georgia Institute of Tech.)

(1996) MS (Biostatistics, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill)


(2003-Present) Mathematical Statistician (CDC/NCBDDD)

(2000-2003) Contract Biostatistician (EDS/CDC)

(1996-2000) Contract Biostatistician (KAG/CDC)

(1998-Present) Adjunct (Part-time) Mathematics Faculty (Kennesaw State University)

(1991-1994) Instructor of Mathematics (Kennesaw State College)

Academics and Extracurriculars:

University of North Carolina (Chapel Hill, NC)

(1994-1996) NIH, Env. Health Statistics Program Pre-doctoral Fellowship

Course Assistant (Sample Survey Design Theory) to Dr. William Kalsbeek

Kennesaw State College

(1991-1994) Faculty Advisor Blue Key National Honor Society,

(1994) Outstanding Faculty Advisor Award, 1994

Faculty Member, Blue Key National Honor Fraternity

Georgia Institute of Technology

Golden Key National Honor Society

(GBF) Gamma Beta Phi National Honor Society

(FES) Phi Eta Sigma National Honor Society

Student Government Association

Graduate Student Government Association

US Japan Society (Charter President)

Student SIAM Chapter (Charter President)

STEP Program Tutor

School of Mathematics Teaching Assistant

Technical Skills

Statistical Consulting 

Data Acquisition and Processing

SAS Development

Web Development and Technical Reporting

Web Pages

CJ Alverson's Ugly Statistics Resource Page. Alverson, CJ, updated and published online at Completely documented course pages. (1998-Present.)

Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS): Adult Self-Reported Lifetime and Current Asthma Prevalence. Moorman, J, Falter, KF, Alverson, CJ.


Survey of Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practice Management Patterns of Atlanta-Area Obstetricians Regarding Stillbirth
Wes Duke, Mikyong Shin, Adolfo Correa, Clinton J. Alverson Women's Health Issues - September 2010 (Vol. 20, Issue 5, Pages 366-370, DOI: 10.1016/j.whi.2010.06.004)

Associations of Maternal Fever and Influenza With Congenital Heart Defects Matthew Oster, Tiffany Riehle-Colarusso, Clinton J Alverson, and Adolfo Correa Circulation 120: S577-b


Use of Spline Regression in an Analysis of Maternal Prepregnancy Body Mass Index and Adverse Birth Outcomes: Does It Tell Us More Than We Already Know? Suzanne M. Gilboa, Adolfo Correa, Clinton J. Alverson Annals of Epidemiology - March 2008 (Vol. 18, Issue 3, Pages 196-205, DOI: 10.1016/j.annepidem.2007.09.00

Fetal Death Certificates as a Source of Surveillance Data for Stillbirths with Birth Defects. Public Health Reports, Volume 122 , Issue Number 5 (September/October 2007). C.W. Duke, C.J. Alverson, A. Correa

Are encephaloceles neural tube defects? Rowland CA, Correa A, Cragan JD, Alverson CJ. Pediatrics. 2006 Sep;118(3):916-23.

Does a Multifaceted Environmental Intervention Alter the Impact of Asthma on Inner-City Children? Seymour G. Williams, MD; Clive M. Brown, MBBS; Kenneth H. Falter, PhD; Clinton J. Alverson, MSc; Carol Gotway-Crawford, PhD; David Homa, PhD; Donna S. Jones, MD; E. Kathleen Adams, PhD and Stephen C. Redd, MD Journal of the National Medical Association Vol. 98, No. 2, February 2006 pp 249-260

Analysis of seasonal variation of birth defects in Atlanta. Siffel C, Alverson CJ, Correa A. Birth Defects Res A Clin Mol Teratol. 2005 Oct; 73(10):655-62.

Cardiorespiratory hospitalizations associated with smoke exposure during the 1997 Southeast Asian forest fires. JA Mott, DM Mannino, CJ Alverson, A Kiyu, J Hashim, T Lee, K Falter, SC Redd. International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health, 2005, Vol. 208, Iss. 1-2, pp 75-85

Epidemiology of gastroschisis in metropolitan Atlanta, 1968 through 2000. Williams LJ, Kucik JE, Alverson CJ, Olney RS, Correa A. Birth Defects Res A Clin Mol Teratol. 2005 Mar;73(3):177-83.

Prenatal diagnosis, pregnancy termination, and prevalence of Down syndrome in Atlanta. Siffel C, Correa A, Cragan J, Alverson CJ. Birth Defects Research (Part A) (2004)70:565–571.

Sex differences in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and lung cancer mortality trends―United States, 1968–1999. Kazerouni NN, Alverson CJ, Redd SC, Mott JA, Mannino DM.. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2003;167(7):A946.

The 1997 Malaysian forest fires: respiratory hospitalizations in persons with a history of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Mott JA,  Alverson CJ, Mannino DM, Kiyu A, Hashim J, Falter K, Redd SC. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2003;167(7):A498.

State asthma prevalence rates and risk factors for adults from the 2000 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System. Gwynn RC, Moorman JE, Alverson CJ, Mannion DM, Redd SC. Resp Crit Care Med 2002;165(8):A488. 

An Intermediate Approach to the Use of technology in Teaching : An Active, Case-Based, Web-Based Approach in Teaching Introductory Statistics. Alverson, CJ. Published online on the Reaching Through Teaching online journal. (Fall 2001)

National vehicle emissions policies and practices and declining carbon monoxide-related mortality in the United States, 1968 to 1998. Mott JA, Wolfe MI, Alverson CJ, Macdonald S, Baily, CR, Ball LB, Moorman J, Somers JH, Mannino D, Redd SC. Journal of the American Medical Association 2002; 288: 8.

A Public Health Perspective: Traumatic Brain Injury in the United States. Thurman, DJ, Alverson, CJ, et al. Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation. Vol 14 (no.6). December 1999.

The epidemiology of traumatic brain injury among children and adolescents. Dunn KA, Thurman DJ, Alverson CJ. In: National Institutes of Health. Report of the NIH Consensus Development Conference of the Rehabilitation of Persons with Traumatic Brain Injury. Bethesda, MD: National Institutes of Health; 1999:B1-B21.

Traumatic Brain Injury in the United States: A Report to Congress. Thurman, DJ, Alverson, CJ, et al, October 1998.


Racial/ethnic disparities in the birth prevalence of congenital defects. J Kucik, CJ Alverson, A Correa. Society for Pediatric and Perinatal Epidemiologic Research(SPER), 20th Annual Meeting (June 2007).

Spina bifida prevalence among children and adolescents in metropolitan Atlanta, 1979-2002. Lilah M. Besser, MSPH, Adolfo Correa, MD, PhD, and C.J. Alverson, MS. APHA 2005 Meeting.

Prevalence of Maternal Diabetes in Metro Atlanta, 1968-2000. Jennifer Lynn Williams, C.J. Alverson, Kathryn B. Anderson, Margaret A. Watkins, Adolfo Correa. NBDPN 2004: Advances and Opportunities for Birth Defects Surveillance, Research, & Prevention

Spatial Analysis of Birth Defects in Atlanta. Csaba Siffel, C.J. Alverson, Adolfo Correa. NBDPN 2004: Advances and Opportunities for Birth Defects Surveillance, Research, & Prevention

Maternal Obesity and Cardiovascular Malformations. A. Correa-Villaseñor, C.J. Alverson. Teratology Society 2004 Meeting

Maternal Diabetes and Cardiovascular Malformations. M.K. Thong, A. Correa-Villaseñor, C.J. Alverson. Teratology Society 2004 Meeting

Maternal obesity and cardiovascular malformations. A Correa,* C J Alverson. Society for Pediatric and Perinatal Epidemiologic Research 2004 Meeting.

Seasonality and Excess Incidence in MACDP. CJ Alverson. NCBDDD National Conference 2004

SAS Output Delivery System: Part of an Integrated Project Management Approach. CJ Alverson. NCBDDD National Conference 2004

Filling in the Gaps: Projecting Asthma Prevalence Estimates. Alverson, CJ and Moorman, J. Presented Poster (Session II). The 9th Biennial CDC and ATSDR Symposium on Statistical Methods. January 2003.

Has asthma prevalence continued to increase? A quantifiable, but convoluted, answer. In: Population Association of America 2003 Annual Meeting; Final program and abstracts; 2003 May 1–3; Minneapolis (MN). Moorman J, Alverson CJ. Silver Spring (MD): Population Association of America; 2003. p. 211.

Adjusting Surveillance Rates Using Sensitivity and Predictive Value Positive. Alverson, CJ. Presented Poster (Session II). The 7th Biennial CDC and ATSDR Symposium on Statistical Methods. January 1999.

Short Courses

Spinning a Project Web: An integrated approach to organize, manage, archive and reproduce research by linking objects using available software. September 2005.